
Features Explanation
Unique Identifier for the Customer You have the choice using the customers’ mobile number, email address or other unique identifier in your sales system.
Send customer transaction history Transactions can be sent in real-time via API calls or sent via a batch file sent on a nightly basis.
Set exchange rates for converting purchases into points determined by product type You can choose to reward your customers with differing number of points based on the types and categories of products you have in your system.
Set exchange rate for converting points to the face value of the coupon You have the ability to set the exchange rate for purchasing a given face value for the coupons whether it is dollars off, percent off or buy X get Y free.
Dollar off offers Coupon creators have the ability to create offers which give a specified number of dollars off the purchase of an item.
Percent off offers Coupon creators have the ability to create offers which give an specified percentage off the purchase of an item.
Buy X get Y free Ability to create offers of the type buy 3 get 1 free (Buy X, get Y free).
Micro-Transactions & Pre-Purchases Customers have the ability to conduct micro-transactions on our platform and purchase items before they come to your store or outlet. Revenue sharing can also be set up on the platform to help monetize the platform.
Rich multi-media offer cards You or the partners offering deals in your network have the ability to create rich offer cards, with logos, multiple images and videos.
Advertising You have the ability to monetize your platform by hosting advertising on your customer portal.
Ad-Engine Integration There is also an integration with an Ad-Engine and bill advertisers by Cost Per-Click, Cost-Per-View, timing of ad presentation, restricting number of views of ads and much, much more.
Customer Self-Service Portal There is a customer portal that can be linked to with automatic login from an existing platform such as a mobile app. There is also the ability to log into the portal using a PIN sent to a mobile phone number of email address.
Partner Self-Service Portal There is a web-based application for network partners to create and manage their offers.
Scalable Infrastructure The solution is deployed on a dynamically scalable cloud infrastructure which easily handle spikes of ten-times the average volume.
Ability to monetize ads, coupon claims and redemptions There are numerous ways to monetize the platform by claims, redemptions, ads which are integrated with a billing system to collect payments from checking accounts.
Integrated Landing Pages Configurable landing pages for partners and customers.
Full-text search of offers There is the ability to do full-text searching of all offers on the platform.
Geo-Location of offers There is the ability to view offers available at outlets near your customer at any time.
Search and Sort offers easily There are many ways of searching and sorting offers to make it easy to find offers.
Integrated Analytics Ability to slice and dice data related to purchase transactions, claims and redemptions by various attributes and time-scales
Integrates with CRM Systems Comes with integration with the choice of the following CRM Systems:
  • HubSpot
  • Zoho
  • SalesForce
Marketing Campaigns Ability to run marketing campaigns to increase memberships, claiming of offers and redeeming of offers
Bonus Programs Run bonus programs to encourage purchase of selected products and services.